I'm both honored and thrilled to have sound designed and mixed the hugely entertaining feature documentary "Doctor Who Am I?", which will be screening worldwide, starting as an Official Selection at The London Sci-Fi Film Festival! The experience of working with co-directors 

Vanessa Yuille and Matthew Jacobs was a true highlight here at Post in the Woods. I look forward to working with them again on their next venture and we wish huge successes for the film!!



Documentary filmmaker, Vanessa Yuille (in her debut feature) follows friend and co-director, Matthew Jacobs (British writer of the 1996 TV movie Doctor Who) as he is reluctantly pulled back into the fandom that rejected his workMV5BNzUwYjMyNTAtM2QzMC00NmNkLWI2MWUtOTFmZWVhN2UzYWE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDIyNzU2OQ. V1 25 years earlier. The journey not only becomes hilarious and emotionally perilous for the duo but also reveals a touching and quirky face-off between the American Doctor Who fans and Matthew himself. As they explore the fandom, Matthew unexpectedly finds himself a kindred part of this close-knit, yet vast, family of fans. The documentary deals with the desire to belong to a community, and how people can become nourished and enriched by the experience.